Tuesday, February 26, 2008


今天让我们试试用古希腊的怀疑主义来让大家认识基本的民主与大选投票的意义. 怀疑主义最基本法, 是透过事情的表面提出问题, 问得越多, 答案就越多, 越接近事情的真相. 当然, 也有可能是真相的另一面.





丽庭 said...


Darren's said...
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Darren's said...

为什么我们可以投票?=because we are malaysian...we are the boss of malaysia as we pay tax to built the country
为什么要21岁以上的公民才能投票?=21岁 shows u are adult d..remind u time to pay your taxes
为什么我们要投票?=we need to decide who to bribe..opss sorry ...should say who to trust for our money
为什么个人的投票结果是保密的?=for somebody it is 保密...but certain body it is not 保密..also need to exam who A,B,C not support us..erm..need to take certain stage against them..haha..is need to consider the reason why they not chosen us and keep IMPROVE ourself..
为什么竞选提名后要隔一段时间才正式投票?=need to reject some opposition voters.tell them they are too late but can vote for next election..the opposition i mean is who are not QUALIFY..
为什么要每隔几年(大约4-5年)就要投票一次?=wei wei wei!!!u also must give people time to collect money ma!!collect money for the better malaysia!!

above is my personal opinion..because i am a stupid academical..so the opinion might be wrong..don blind to believe.and i am not holding any legal liability above my statement

LAM Honloong said...

:) Thank you darren? How about you?! Tell me your answer!

没人妖 said...

cold joke of the meaning of SPR:
saya percaya rasuah
saya penerima rasuah
saya pemenang rasuah
saya pemberi rasuah
saya penyokong rasuah

(Pengawai ISA yang amat dihormati ~Perkataan-perkataan dan tulisan di atas hanya kegunaan untuk tujuan
bergurau, tidak berniat, bermaksud dan menghasut,menghina serta mencaci maksud SPR~)
Malaysia Boleh~

Darren's said...

lmy answer???tats my answer la cikgu lam...can pass or not..dun like tat la i only aiming for pass...if i can obtain a pass u can get what u wan..even...even...even.....