Sunday, March 9, 2008

这教训会不会太 “够力”?

对于马华与民政党倒如山崩的大选成绩, 有人从惊讶到不可相信到同情他们, 然后情不自禁的问这教训会不会太 够力”?

很多年长的选民都有这样的情意结. 因为顺从反风, 把自己对政府的不满把票投给了反对党. 在没有深思熟虑之下, 实行因为反国政而反, 不论是谁, 总之不是蓝色就投.可是现在成绩出炉了, 重创了内阁华基政党, 又不是他们想要的结果. 如果这心态没有被处理好, 这情意结因素可能会在下届大选使到这批选票变成同情票重流国政手中.

这些人, 本来只是抱着想给点教训马华与民政. 就好象妈妈教训孩子时, 忍不住教训了心爱的孩子一下, 然后自己又后悔, 又心痛地偷偷哭了起来. 很多家长都有这样的经验吧?

首先, 本人不赞同家长体罚孩童. 教训的定义是要让孩子们知道家长不认同他们的做法, 要他们知道自己做错了然后认错, 并且教导他们改过. 这样一来, 孩子才能向上向善的茁壮成长. 爱之深, 责之切, 不管用什么手法, 总之出发点就是要纠正孩子而不是伤害他们.

其实, 用选票来教训马华与民政也是异曲同工. 身为国家真正的主人, 我们是有权利用选票来警告政党, 向他们表达人民的不满, 让他们知道之前的所做所为都是错的, 都是不符合人民要求的. 当然, 就好象教孩子一样, 要给时间他们纠正与成长. 如果你是心痛马华与民政惨败的, 这时候应该擦亮你的眼睛, 监督他们未来5年的动作. 如果满意(现在, 很多之前的反对党都纷纷在几个州属执政, 应该可以做更全面的比较)来届还可以支持他们. 如果还是不够好, 那再让他们面壁思过5, 如果继续腐败

最重要的是, 大家应该提升政治意识, 继续关心时事,部然后用雪亮的眼睛为个各政党评分, 然后在来届大选公平打分. 请别意气用事, 把神圣的一票当成同情票.马来西亚新的政治局面要靠国家领袖, 第十三届大选最重要的还是要靠你. 终归人民才是老板.

(此文同时刊登在Malaysia Kini)


-siewchoon- said...


没人妖 said...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

(1) Barisan has announced that its new
symbol is the Condom, because it
reflects the government stance. A
condom allows
for inflation, halts production,
destroys the next
generation, protects a bunch of pricks
and gives us
a sense of security while we're
actually being

(2) Pak Lah and Samy Vellu were in a
looking down Kuala Lumpur. Pak Lah
said, "Samy, if
I throw two RM100 notes down, two
people will be

Not wanting to be outdone, Samy said,
"If I throw
200 RM1 notes, 200 people will be

The pilot heard the conversation and
said, "If I
throw the two of you down, 27 million
will be happy."

(3) Three guys were arguing as to what
race Adam
and Eve were. The Malay guy said they
must be
Malay as they are so good looking. The
Chinese guy
said that they must be Chinese as they
are so calm
even with a snake.

The Indian guy said that they must be
Indian as they have no shelter, no
clothes, no
money, share one apple, advised by a
snake who
told them that they are living in

(4) Pak Lah, Najib, Shahrizat and Anwar
were sitting
in a KTM train heading up to Penang for
campaigning. Near Ipoh, the train goes
through a
tunnel and it gets completely dark.

Suddenly there is a kissing sound and
then a slap!

The train comes out of the tunnel.
Shahrizat and
Pak Lah are sitting there looking

Najib is bent over holding his face,
which is red
from an apparent slap.

All of them remain diplomatic and
nobody says

Pak Lah is thinking: "These guys are
all crazy after
Shahrizat. Najib must have tried to
kiss her in the
tunnel. Very proper that she slapped

Shahrizat is thinking: "Najib must have
moved to
kiss me, but kissed Pak Lah instead and

Najib is thinking: "Damn it, Pak Lah
must have tried
to kiss Shahrizat, she thought it was
me and
slapped me instead."

Anwar is thinking: "If this train goes
another tunnel, I could make another
kissing sound
and slap Najib again."

(5) Barisan wins the election. To
celebrate, they
decide to send more angkasawan to
space. Najib
calls together a group of Umnoputra

Saudara saudara sekalian, we
successfully sent our
man Muzaffar to space using tax payers'
money the
last time. Since we have more than
enough tax
payers' money, the Cabinet has decided
that you
will all now fly to the sun.

But Datuk, we will be burnt to crisp.

Jangan takut, the Barisan government
has thought
of everything ... you will fly at

(6) Today's election brings to mind the
old Northern
Ireland election slogan - "VOTE EARLY